Monday, January 14, 2019


This post is so late, but it's from my time in Kyoto and Osaka last May. I went with a friend and as soon as I stepped off the train, my heart surrendered. There was a time when I was considering living here instead of Fukuoka, and I now almost regret my final decision. My spiritual being, my thoughts, my mood feeds off this place. During the day, shrines adorn the streets, stains of monochrome and color gently absorb into your eyes. Voices are softly spoken, and the rest of the city can loudly heard. During the night, the city lights quiver above all of our mobile bodies. The whole town is drenched and illuminated in soft light, only adding to the dramatic effect of this city. It is perfect here. I can think of nothing else other than to wander around, absorb everything, photograph, record everything. At night, I write, like I am now, to recollect even more that I swear I have missed. Never stop travelling. This world, every country has so much offer. So much to experience, to take in. I want to never stop growing, evolving.

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